If you’re successful at the video interview stage, you may be invited to a final interview with your relevant Divisional Director or Managing Director at Barratt Redrow. We’ll give you all the instructions you’ll need at the time, but here’s some hints and tips to help get you prepared.
Throughout the process, we’ll be assessing you against our differentiators, which are a set of behaviours we look for in our employees. These include:
Consider how you match up against these differentiators and how you might demonstrate these on the day using the STAR framework (Situational, Task, Action, Result).
You will have already completed some research ahead of your video interview, but you’ll need to do a whole lot more. Get to know more about us; the type of projects we do, the type of people who work here, as well as some of the challenges our business faces, now and in the future.
Ensure that you dress appropriately and be conscious of your body language. Sit with your back straight and shoulders open. A whopping 55% of communication is non-verbal, and another 38% is conveyed through tone of voice; your words only amount to 7%. Plan your journey in advance and leave yourself enough time to travel to the interview.
Ahead of the day, we will ask you to prepare a presentation using visual aids (usually PowerPoint). We will let you know the topic beforehand. In the meantime, practice presenting to friends and family on a topic of your choice, and invite your audience to ask you questions afterwards.
Don’t forget, this interview is a chance for you to learn about us too, so make sure you use this time to ask questions and find out if we’re right for you. Take this opportunity to find out more about your specific division and job role.
Enthusiasm & confidence – be yourself and please ensure to bring your passion for both the role and Barratt Redrow.
Good luck!